Jobs! Using Peachtree is all about my students finding good internships and jobs upon graduation. Accounting courses teach students about capturing, managing, and reporting economic activity and safeguarding a company′s assets (internal controls). Peachtree takes this knowledge and provides students with hands–on experience, linking theory to practice. Employers seek this attribute. Experience with Peachtree helps the maturing accounting professional contribute immediately to the needs of a company. As a result, my students have more job opportunities.
Armond Dalton publishes only the highest quality accounting and information systems supplements. Each is backed by extensive university teaching experience and excellent teacher and textbook author reputations. All books, including revisions, have been extensively student tested either in classrooms or by multiple students outside of the classroom, with the focus being making the materials easy to understand.
Because of our concern for students′ needs and the high price of textbooks, we offer significant cost savings for high quality materials by eliminating the use of a sales force.
The hallmark of our company is the service we provide. Our office staff knows every aspect of our business and is committed to quality service. Phone calls are answered by friendly, knowledgeable personnel and
in–stock orders are shipped within 24 hours.
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